§ 31-4-1 Expiration of registration bytransfer of interest in vehicle Disposition of plates. Whenever the owner of a registered vehicle transfers or assigns his or hertitle or interest in ownership, or whenever he or she shall request thetransfer of the registration to another vehicle owned by him or her, or shallremove the vehicle from the highways of this state to be used solely upon hisor her property, the registration of the vehicle shall expire. The owner shallremove the registration plates from the vehicle and forward them to thedivision of motor vehicles, or may have such plates and the registration numberthereon assigned to another vehicle upon payment of the fees required by lawand subject to the rules and regulations of the division of motor vehicles. Anycorporation or limited liability company in the business of providing vehicleleasing or vehicle rental may cancel a registration by submitting a sworn,notarized affidavit to the division of motor vehicles stating that theregistration plates are unavailable due to loss, theft, or other reasons.