§ 31-4-10 Temporary transfer ofregistration. (a) A person who transfers the ownership of a registered motor vehicle ortrailer owned by him or her to another or who loses possession of it and whointends to transfer the registration of the motor vehicle or trailer to a newlyacquired vehicle may, subject to other provisions of the title, operate thenewly acquired motor vehicle or trailer for a period beginning from the date oftransfer until five o'clock (5:00) p.m. of the second division of motorvehicles business day following the date of transfer within the period of whichthe transferred vehicle was registered, provided that the number plates issuedupon registration of the transferred motor vehicle are attached to the newlyacquired vehicle, and a true copy of the bill of sale is sent to the divisionof motor vehicles within twenty-four (24) hours of the transfer.
(b) During these periods, any operator of a newly acquiredvehicle shall carry an original copy of the bill of sale reciting theregistration number to be transferred from the former vehicle to the newlyacquired vehicle, the date of the sale or transfer, the make and identificationnumber of the vehicle, and the signature and address of the seller.
(c) This section shall apply only to transfer of registrationbetween vehicles of the same type and with the same number of wheels.