§ 31-4-3 Temporary registration Invoice voucher issued by dealer. (a) Any person who purchases a motor vehicle from a bona fide licensed dealerand who presently has a motor vehicle registered in this state, may, when thevehicle purchased is of the same type as the presently owned and registeredvehicle, operate the newly acquired motor vehicle for a period of twenty (20)days following the date of the original dated voucher. During this period anyoperator of the newly acquired vehicle shall carry the original dated bill ofsale or invoice voucher which shall be accompanied by a numbered state salestax form. The voucher or bill of sale shall recite the registration number tobe transferred from the former vehicle to the newly acquired vehicle.
(b) The bill of sale or invoice voucher shall be sequentiallyand numerically identified, dated on the day of sale, and shall be valid fornot more than twenty (20) days following the date of the original datedvoucher. No dealer or any other person shall extend or alter the date nor shalla new bill of sale be issued to the purchaser as a means to circumvent thissection.
(c) Every dealer shall keep a sequential record of eachtemporary certificate issued and those records shall be available duringbusiness hours for examination by any police officer or inspector of thedivision of motor vehicles as designated by the administrator of the divisionof motor vehicles.
(d) Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in § 31-41.1-4.