§ 31-41.1-5 Failure to answer or appear. (a) In the event the person charged with a violation does not pay the fineadministratively in accordance with the provisions of § 31-41.1-3, then heor she shall have waived his or her right to dispose of the offense withoutpersonal appearance, and the person charged with the violation must then appearbefore the traffic tribunal or municipal court on the date specified on thesummons. If the person charged with the violation shall fail to appear on thespecified date, a judge or magistrate may enter default judgment, and afterhearing any evidence presented, determine whether the charges have beenestablished. If the charges are not established, an order dismissing thecharges shall be entered. If a determination is made that a charge has beenestablished, an appropriate order shall be entered in the records of thetraffic tribunal, including any order of suspension of the license or drivingprivilege of the person so charged in the same manner as set forth in §31-41.1-6.
(b) The order shall be mailed to the person charged with theviolation at his or her last known address.