§ 31-44-13 Right of mobile home owners topeaceably assemble Right to communicate. (a) No provision contained in any bylaw, rental agreement, regulation, or rulepertaining to a mobile home park shall infringe upon the right of the mobilehome owners to peaceably assemble in an open public meeting for any lawfulpurpose, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, in the common areas orrecreational areas of the mobile home park.
(b) No provisions contained in any bylaw, rental agreement,regulation, or rule pertaining to a mobile home park shall infringe upon theright of the mobile home owners or tenants to communicate or assemble amongthemselves, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, for the purpose ofdiscussing any problems relative to the mobile home park. The discussions maybe held in the common areas or recreational areas of the park, including hallsor centers, or in any resident's home. In addition, the park owner or developermay not unreasonably restrict the use of any facility, including the use ofutilities, when requested. Written notice must be provided to the mobile homepark management and/or owner of the time and place for the assembly. Theassembly shall be open to all park residents.
(c) No provision contained in any bylaw, rental agreement,regulation, or rule pertaining to a mobile home park shall prohibit any mobilehome owner of the mobile home park from canvassing mobile home owners of themobile home park for the purposes described in this subsection. For thepurposes of this subsection, the term "canvassing" includes an oral or writtenrequest; the distribution, circulation, posting, or publication of a notice; ora general announcement requesting the payment of membership dues or othermatters relevant to the membership, federation, or organization. Canvassingshall be done at a reasonable time or times and in a reasonable manner. It isthe intent of the legislature, through the enactment of this subsection, toprohibit any owner, developer, or manager of a mobile and manufactured homepark from prohibiting free communication among mobile home owners or tenants inthe guise of regulations or rules restricting or limiting canvassing forassociation, federation, or organization dues or other association, federation,or organization matters.