§ 31-44-17 Filing of complaint withdepartment Notice Rules of evidence not binding. (a) Any resident of a mobile and manufactured housing park or any owner of amobile and manufactured housing park may petition the director by filing acomplaint with the department of business regulation and paying a twenty-fivedollar ($25.00) filing fee which shall be used to defray the costs of thedirector. The filing fee may be waived by the director if he or she or his orher agent determines that the fee will cause an unfair financial burden on thepetitioner. After review of the claim and a decision by the director that thematter has merit and is not frivolous, the director shall schedule a hearingwithin sixty (60) days from receipt of the claim. If the director finds theclaim to be without merit or to be frivolous, the director shall dismiss thecomplaint and explain in writing to the complainant his or her reasons fordismissing the complaint.
(b) The director or his or her agent shall serve notice, inwriting, of the time and place of the hearing upon all appropriate parties atleast twenty (20) days prior to the date of the hearing. Both parties to thecomplaint may be represented by counsel.
(c) The director or his or her agent shall not be bound bycommon law or statutory rules of evidence but may admit all testimony having areasonable probative value. Complaints filed shall be handled in accordancewith the departments' rules of practice and the Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of title 42. It may exclude evidence which, in the opinion of thedirector or his or her agent, is immaterial, irrelevant, or unduly repetitious.