§ 31-44-18 Decisions, judicial review andenforcement. (a) When the director makes a decision, an order shall be made in writing andshall include finding of facts. The findings of fact shall be accompanied by aconcise and explicit statement of the underlying facts supporting the findings.The parties shall be notified by mail of any decision or order.
(b) A decision of the director may be appealed, by eitherparty, by applying for a rehearing or appealing to the superior court for thecounty in which either party resides, within thirty (30) days of the date ofthe decision pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of title 42.
(c) If no timely appeal is taken pursuant to subsection (b)of this section, the decision of the director shall become final. The directorshall file a certified abstract of any final decision with the clerk of thesuperior court in the county of residence of the complainant. The clerk of thecourt shall enter judgment on it, and this judgment may be enforced as with anyfinal judgment of the superior court.