§ 31-44-20 Mobile home conveyance tax. (a) There is imposed, on every deed, instrument, or writing by which any mobileor manufactured home shall be granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwiseconveyed to, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person orpersons, by his or her or their direction, when the consideration paid exceedsone hundred dollars ($100), a tax at the rate of one dollar and forty cents($1.40) for each five hundred dollars ($500) or fractional part thereof whichis paid for the purchase of the home (inclusive of the value of any lien orencumbrance remaining on it at the time of sale), and exclusive of any personalproperty that may be included in the sale which tax shall be payable at thetime of making, execution, delivery, acceptance or presenting for recording ofthe instrument. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the tax shallbe paid by the grantor.
(b) In the event no consideration is actually paid for themobile or manufactured home, the instrument of conveyance shall contain astatement to the effect that the consideration is such that no documentarystamps are required.
(c) The tax administrator shall enforce the provisions ofthis section and may adopt and enforce rules and regulations relating to theenforcement of this section.