§ 31-44-5 Reprisals. (a) No licensee shall take reprisal(s) against a resident or prospectiveresident or association formed pursuant to § 31-44-3.1.
(b) An increase in rent, nonrenewal of lease, refusal tooffer a lease, or termination of tenancy, taken by a licensee against aresident, prospective resident, or association within six (6) months after theresident, prospective resident, or association has taken any protected lawfulaction, shall create a rebuttable presumption that the act by the licensee is areprisal. Reprisal may be pleaded as a defense in any court proceeding broughtagainst a resident or prospective resident after he or she has taken anyprotected lawful action.
(c) In addition to any other remedy under this chapter, aresident, prospective resident, or association who has been the subject of areprisal shall be entitled to the remedies provided for retaliatory actions in§ 34-18-46.