§ 31-47.1-9 Prohibitions. (a) No person may issue a compliance certificate or a waiver certificate for amotor vehicle that has not been inspected in accordance with or is not incompliance with the standards and criteria for motor vehicle emissionsinspections.
(b) No person may alter, falsify or counterfeit a compliancecertificate or a waiver certificate.
(c) No person may materially alter or change any equipment ormechanism of a motor vehicle that has received a compliance certificate in amanner that the motor vehicle no longer complies with the standards andcriteria for motor vehicle emissions inspections. This section shall not beconstrued as preventing the temporary alteration of equipment for the purposeof motor vehicle repair.
(d) Any person under contract to the state to provide motorvehicle emission testing support service and/or any employee of such acontractor and the operator of an AIRS and/or an employee of an AIRS violatingany of the provisions of this chapter may be subject to criminal penalties of afine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000), by imprisonment of not more thanthirty (30) days, or by both fine and imprisonment for each violation.
(e) Any person under contract to the state to assist thestate in the administration of a motor vehicle emission inspection programand/or any employee of the contractor and the operator of an AIRS and/or anemployee of an AIRS, or any person who is or acts as a garage repair person,violating any rule or regulation promulgated under the authority of thischapter shall be subject to a civil or administrative penalty of not more thanone thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation.
(f) Any person violating any of the provisions of thischapter or any rule or regulation promulgated under the authority of thischapter shall be subject to a civil or administrative penalty of not more thanone thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation.