§ 31-47-13 Insurers and sureties. (a) A finding by the administrator of the division of motor vehicles or traffictribunal, or court that a person is covered by financial responsibility in theform of an insurance policy or surety bond is not binding upon the namedinsurer or surety or any of its officers, employees, agents, or representativesand has no legal effect except for the purpose of administering this section.
(b) The preparation and delivery of a document authorized tobe used as financial responsibility under this division does not do any of thefollowing:
(1) Create any liability or estoppel against an insurer orsurety, or any of its officers, employees, agents, or representatives;
(2) Constitute an admission of the existence of, or of anyliability or coverage under, any policy or bond;
(3) Waive any defenses or counterclaims available to aninsurer, surety, agent, employee, or representative in an action commenced byan insured or third party claimant upon a cause of action alleged to havearisen under an insurance policy or surety bond or by reason of the preparationand delivery of a document for use as financial responsibility.
(c) Whenever it is determined by a final judgment in ajudicial proceeding that an insurer or surety, which has been named on adocument accepted by a court or the administrator of the division of motorvehicles as financial responsibility covering the operation of a motor vehicleat the time of an accident or offense, is not liable to pay a judgment forinjuries or damages resulting from that operation, the administrator of thedivision of motor vehicles shall, notwithstanding any previous contraryfinding, immediately suspend the operating privileges and registration rightsof the person against whom the judgment was rendered as provided by thischapter.