§ 31-47-15.1 Exception for seasonalvehicles. (a) Upon receipt of a signed written request for a suspension from the owner ofa registered motor vehicle stating that the vehicle will not be operated uponany highway during a period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive days, theinsurer of the vehicle shall suspend, to the extent requested by the owner,insurance afforded under the policy providing the security required by thischapter, for the vehicle until notified by the owner that the coverage shouldbe reinstated. During the period of suspension only, the provisions of thischapter shall not apply with respect to the vehicle. If the vehicle is operatedupon any highway by or with the permission of the owner during the period ofsuspension, the provisions of this chapter shall immediately become applicable.
(b) As used in this section, the term "highway" includes allroads as defined in § 31-1-23, except a private road or driveway.
(c) This section shall not apply to a motor vehicle for whichproof of financial responsibility is required under the provisions of §31-31-5 or chapter 32 of title 31. This section shall not apply to motorizedvehicles used seasonally in the town of New Shoreham commonly referred to asmopeds.