§ 31-47-4 Notice of termination. (a) No contract of insurance or renewal of it shall be terminated bycancellation or failure to renew by the insurer until at least thirty (30) daysafter mailing to the named insured, at the address shown on the policy a noticeof termination or cancellation by certificate of mailing, except that whencancellation is for nonpayment of premium the notice shall be mailed to thenamed insured at the address shown on the policy at least ten (10) days priorto the effective date of cancellation.
(b) Time of the effective date and hour of termination statedin the notice shall become the end of the policy period.
(c) Every notice of termination for any cause whatsoever sentto the insured shall include in type of which the face shall not be smallerthan twelve (12) point, a statement that financial security is required to bemaintained continuously throughout the registration period and that failure tomaintain financial security shall subject the violator to a mandatorysuspension of license and registration.