§ 31-49-3 Rules and regulations. The rules and regulations adopted pursuant to § 31-49-2 shall includerequirements that ignition interlock systems:
(1) Do not impede the safe operation of the vehicle;
(2) Minimize opportunities to be bypassed;
(3) Correlate accurately with established measures of bloodalcohol levels;
(4) Work accurately and reliably in an unsupervisedenvironment;
(5) Require a proper and accurate measure of blood alcohollevels;
(6) Resist tampering and provide evidence of attemptedtampering;
(7) Are difficult to circumvent, and require premeditation tocircumvent;
(8) Minimize inconvenience to a sober user;
(9) Are manufactured by a party responsible for installation,user training, service and maintenance;
(10) Operate reliably over the range of motor vehicleenvironments or motor vehicle manufacturing standards;
(11) Are manufactured by a person who is adequately insuredfor products liability; and
(12) Provide the option for an electronic log of the driver'sexperience with the system.