§ 31-49-6 Selling or leasing ignitioninterlock systems. (a) A person may not sell or lease or offer to sell or lease an ignitioninterlock system to a person subject to the provisions of § 31-27-2 unless:
(1) The system has been certified by the department of motorvehicles; and
(2) A warning label approved by the department of motorvehicles is affixed to the system stating that a person who tampers,circumvents, or otherwise misuses the system is guilty of a misdemeanor, and onconviction is subject to a fine up to five hundred dollars ($500), or one yearimprisonment, or both.
(b) A person who sells or leases ignition interlock systemsin the state shall:
(1) Monitor the use of the system as required by the court;and
(2) Issue a report of the results of the monitoring to theappropriate office of the division of parole and probation.