§ 31-5.1-21 Promotional activities. (a) Upon filing of a claim, a manufacturer or distributor shall compensate adealer for any incentive or reimbursement program sponsored by the manufactureror distributor, under the terms of which the dealer is eligible forcompensation.
(b) A claim filed under this section shall be:
(i) In the manner and form prescribed by the manufacturer,factory branch, or distributor; and
(ii) Approved or disapproved within thirty (30) days ofreceipt.
(2) A claim not approved or disapproved within thirty (30)days of receipt shall be deemed approved.
(3) Payment of a claim filed under this section shall be madewithin thirty (30) days of approval.
(c) If a claim filed under this section is shown by themanufacturer or distributor to be false or unsubstantiated, the manufacturer ordistributor may charge back the claim within one year from the date the claimwas paid or credit issued or one year from the end of a manufacturer programthat does not exceed one year in length, whichever is later.
(2) This paragraph does not limit the right of a manufactureror distributor to charge back for any claim that is proven fraudulent.