§ 31-5.1-9 Product liabilityindemnification. Notwithstanding the terms of any franchise agreement, it shall be a violationof this law for any new motor vehicle manufacturer to fail to indemnify andhold harmless its franchised new motor vehicle dealers against any judgment orsettlement for damages including, but not limited to, court costs andreasonable attorney's fees of the new motor vehicle dealer, arising out ofcomplaints, claims, or lawsuits including, but not limited to, strictliability, negligence, misrepresentation, warranty (express or implied), orrevocation of the sale as defined in § 6A-2-608, to the extent that thejudgment or settlement related to the alleged defective or negligentmanufacture, assembly, or design of new motor vehicles, parts, or accessoriesor any other function of the manufacturer, beyond the control of the dealer.