§ 31-5.4-1 Sale of used motor vehicles Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words have the following meanings:
(1) "Consumer" means the purchaser, other than for purposesof resale, of a used motor vehicle normally used for personal, family, orhousehold purposes and subject to a warranty, and the spouse or child of thepurchaser if the motor vehicle is transferred to the spouse or child during theduration of any warranty applicable to the motor vehicle, and any other personentitled by the terms of such warranty to enforce the obligations of thewarranty;
(2) "Dealer" means any person or business which sells oroffers for sale a used vehicle after selling or offering for sale three (3) ormore used vehicles in the previous twelve (12) month period, but does notinclude a bank or financial institution, a business selling a used vehicle toan employee of that business, a lessor selling a leased vehicle to thatvehicle's lessee, a family member of the lessee, or an employee of the lessee,or the state, its agencies, bureaus, boards, commissions, and authorities, andall of the political subdivisions of the state, including the agencies andauthorities of any subdivision;
(3) "Repair insurance" means a contract in writing for anyperiod of time or any specific mileage to refund, repair, replace, maintain, ortake other action with respect to a used motor vehicle and which is regulatedby the department of business regulation;
(4) "Service contract" means a contract in writing for anyperiod of time or any specific mileage to refund, repair, replace, maintain, ortake other action with respect to a used motor vehicle and provided at an extracharge beyond the price of the used motor vehicle;
(5) "Used motor vehicle" means a passenger motor vehicle,excluding motorcycles, motor homes, and off-road vehicles, which has beendriven more than the limited use necessary in moving or road-testing a newvehicle prior to delivery;
(6) "Warranty" means any undertaking in connection with thesale by a dealer of a used motor vehicle to refund, repair, replace, maintain,or take other action with respect to the used motor vehicle and provided at noextra charge beyond the price of the used motor vehicle.