§ 31-5.4-4 Waiver notice. (a) Whenever any agreement is entered into by a consumer with a dealer for thepurchase of a used motor vehicle which waives or disclaims the rights set forthin this chapter, the dealer shall post a notice unobstructed and conspicuouslyon the windshield of the vehicle to be sold. The notice shall be at least eightand one-half inches (8 1/2") by eleven inches (11") in size, in bold print oneinch in height, and shall state, "NO WARRANTY AS TO CONDITION SOLD ASIS".
(b) Whenever any dealer enters into an agreement with aconsumer for a purchase of a motor vehicle, any waiver or disclaimer of therights set forth in this chapter shall be printed on the bill of sale in a typesize larger and of a different color than any other type on the bill of sale.The waiver shall be separately initialed by the purchaser and the dealer.
(c) Nothing in this section shall in any way limit the rightsor remedies which are otherwise available to a consumer under any other law.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, thischapter shall not apply to used motor vehicles sold for less than one thousandfive hundred dollars ($1,500). Further, this chapter shall not apply to thesale of classic cars registered pursuant to this title.