§ 31-5.4-6 Disclosure of rights. (a) The director of the department of revenue shall promulgate rules,regulations and forms to implement the notice provision in subsection (b) ofthis section. The forms promulgated by the director shall be used by everydealer in the sale of every automobile protected by this chapter.
(b) Clear and conspicuous notice of the warranties created bythis chapter of the rights pertaining to them and of the implied warranty ofmerchantability shall be given to the consumer in writing at the time theconsumer purchases a used motor vehicle from the dealer. Each notice requiredby this section shall describe the procedures available to redress violationsof this section and shall contain the telephone number of the department ofrevenue.
(c) A seller's failure to provide the buyer with thedocuments and forms promulgated by the director of the department of revenuepursuant to this section shall constitute prima facie evidence of bad faith andunfair and deceptive trade practice under § 6-13.1-1. Violations of thissection shall be actionable by the buyer under §§ 31-5.4-5 and6-13.1-5.2.