§ 31-5-15 Examination of records Altered or reset odometers. (a) The department or its duly authorized representative may inspect thepertinent books, records, letters, and contracts of the licensee relating toany written complaint made against the licensee. If the licensee is foundguilty of violating any of the provisions of §§ 31-5-1 31-5-20, or any lawful order of the department, the actual cost of each of theexaminations shall be paid by the licensee within thirty (30) days after demandfor them by the department, and the department may maintain an action for therecovery of the cost in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(b) The department finds that purchasers, when buying motorvehicles, rely heavily on the odometer reading as an index of the condition andvalue of the vehicle; that purchasers are entitled to rely on the odometerreading as an accurate reflection of the mileage actually traveled by thevehicle; and that an accurate indication of the mileage traveled by a motorvehicle assists the purchaser in determining its safety and reliability. Forthe protection of purchasers with respect to the sale of motor vehicles havingaltered or reset odometers, licensed motor vehicle dealers are directlyresponsible to their retail/wholesale customers to repurchase the motorvehicles bearing altered or reset odometers for the original selling price paidby the customer, or an amount as determined by the department.