§ 31-5-2 Duties of department of revenue. The department of revenue shall issue the licenses provided for in §§31-5-5 31-5-9 and § 31-5-34. The department of revenue shall havesupervision over the licenses in respect to all the provisions of §§31-5-1 31-5-20 and §§ 31-5-33 31-5-39, and shall havepower to make and to issue rules and regulations to fulfill the purposes ofthose chapters and to protect public interest. The department shall have powerto set from time to time the maximum number of plates to be issued to eachdealer after due investigation and after giving due consideration to the numberof plates reasonably required for the operation of the business by the dealer.The department shall also have the power to define unfair practices bylicensees. All the provisions of §§ 31-5-1 -31-5-20, and §§31-5-33 -31-5-39 shall be administered by the department.