§ 31-5-33 Rental of motor vehicles Licenses required. (a) No person, firm, or corporation, whether resident or nonresident, shall,without securing a license, grant a franchise or license, or continue to granta franchise or license, to any other person, firm, or corporation to use his,her, or its name, trademark, or trade name, whether registered or unregistered,in the business of renting in this state motor vehicles for transportation ofpersons or property.
(b) No person, firm, or corporation, whether resident ornonresident, shall engage in this state in the business of renting or leasingmotor vehicles to any other person, firm, or corporation without securing alicense. Any person, firm, or corporation who rents or leases more than five(5) motor vehicles in any one year shall be considered to be engaged in thebusiness of renting or leasing motor vehicles.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or publiclaw to the contrary, the authority to issue licenses for the rental or leasingof motorized bicycles and/or motorized tricycles in the town of New Shorehamshall be vested exclusively in the town council of the town of New Shoreham,pursuant to the provisions of chapter 19.3 of this title.