§ 31-5-34 Application for license Fee Expiration. (a) Any person, firm, or corporation requiring a license pursuant to thischapter shall apply to the department upon a form specifying any informationthat the department shall require. The department may require with anapplication, or otherwise, information relating to the applicant's solvency,his or her or its financial standing, or any other matter which the departmentmay deem pertinent to safeguard the public interest, all of which may beconsidered by the department in determining the fitness of the applicant to belicensed pursuant to this chapter. Each application shall be accompanied by afee of one hundred dollars ($100). All licenses shall be granted or refusedwithin thirty (30) days after the application, and shall expire, unless soonerrevoked or suspended, on December 31 of the calendar year for which they aregranted.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or publiclaw to the contrary, the authority to issue licenses for the rental or leasingof motorized bicycles and/or motorized tricycles in the town of New Shorehamshall be vested exclusively in the town council of the town of New Shorehampursuant to the provisions of chapter 19.3 of title 31.