§ 31-50-2 Board created. There is created the automobile theft and insurance fraud investigations board,referred to in this chapter as "the board". The board shall consist of five (5)members one of whom shall be appointed to represent the interests of consumersby the governor; one of whom shall be appointed by the attorney general; one ofwhom shall be appointed by the governor to represent the insurance industry;one of whom shall be appointed by the president of the Rhode Island Chiefs ofPolice Association; and one of whom shall be the superintendent of the statepolice, ex-officio, or his or her designee. The initial appointments to thepositions created in this section for appointed members shall be for a term offour (4) years, three (3) years, two (2) years, and one year respectively, tobe determined by the governor, and subsequently to a term of four (4) years, oruntil a successor is appointed.