§ 31-6-12 Business and special licensefees. The following fees shall be collected by the division of motor vehicles:
(1) For each license to deal in motor vehicles and for eachbranch office of a dealer, sixty dollars ($60.00).
(2) For dealer registration number plates and a dealercertificate, thirty dollars ($30.00) if the dealer operates not more than three(3) motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers at any one time, and ten dollars($10.00) plus the cost of number plates for every motor vehicle, trailer, orsemi-trailer in excess of three (3) motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers.
(3) For bailee registration number plates and a baileecertificate, thirty dollars ($30.00) if the bailee operates not more than three(3) motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers at any one time, and ten dollars($10.00) plus the cost of number plates for every motor vehicle, trailer, orsemi-trailer in excess of three (3) motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers.
(4) For each manufacturer, factory branch, or factoryrepresentative license, five dollars ($5.00).
(5) For each wrecker's license, sixty dollars ($60.00).
(6) For in-transit number plates and certificates, thirtydollars ($30.00) if the owner operates or moves not more than three (3) piecesof mobile equipment at any one time, and ten dollars ($10.00) plus the cost ofnumber plates for every piece of mobile equipment in excess of three (3) piecesof mobile equipment.
(7) For special use identification tags and special usecertificates, ten dollars ($10.00).
(8) For transporter registration number plates and atransporter certificate, thirty dollars ($30.00) if the transporter operatesnot more than three (3) motor vehicles, trailers, or semi-trailers at any onetime, and ten dollars ($10.00) plus the cost of number plates for every motorvehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer in excess of three (3) motor vehicles,trailers or semi-trailers.