§ 31-6-8 Disabled veterans. (a) Any veteran who has been honorably discharged from the service of the armedforces or the merchant marine of the United States in any of the wars orcampaigns in which the United States has been engaged and who, while engaged inthese wars or campaigns or as a result of engagement in these wars orcampaigns, by reason of amputation, has lost one or both of his or her arms,hands, feet, or legs, or who, by reason of other permanent injury, has lost theuse of one or both of his or her arms, hands, feet, or legs, or to whom hasbeen granted a motor vehicle under chapter 870-2D, United States Public Laws663, enacted 1946, 79th Congress, or has been determined by the Veterans'Administration to have a service connected disability of one hundred percent(100%) shall be forever exempt from the payment of any fee for the annualregistration of and a license to operate that motor vehicle.
(b) The administrator for the division of motor vehiclesshall issue to an eligible veteran for use on an automobile, or on a commercialvehicle having a gross weight of six thousand three hundred pounds (6,300 lbs.)or less, registration plates designated "Disabled Veteran". Upon the death ofthe holder of "Disabled Veteran" plates, the plates may be transferred to hisor her surviving spouse for his or her lifetime or until he or she remarries.Only one set of "Disabled Veteran" plates shall be issued to an eligibleveteran and only after certification of eligibility from the Veterans'Administration or other satisfactory documentation of eligibility is presented.