§ 31-7-9 Offenses Nonresident bondposting. Every nonresident operator, who is charged by a member of the state police orby a member of the police department of any city or town of this state with aviolation of any provision of chapters 14, 15, and 16 of this title, except fora violation included under chapter 41 of this title, may be required to depositin escrow the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), or to post a proper bond forthat amount, with the state or local police department preferring the charge asa prerequisite to the nonresident operator being released for appearance at alater date before the court of proper jurisdiction upon the charge. The depositso posted shall be returned to the nonresident, or the bond so posted shall becancelled, upon the nonresident's appearance before the court of properjurisdiction for the disposition of the offense charged and effectuation ofsentence, if any. If the nonresident shall fail to appear before the court ofproper jurisdiction on the date and at the time assigned for the disposition ofthe offense charged, the deposit or bond, as the case may be, shall beforfeited and paid over to the clerk of court to be disbursed as if thedefendant had been convicted and a fine and costs equal to that sum had beenimposed.