§ 31-8-4 Suspension or revocation ofregistration or certificate of title. (a) The division of motor vehicles is authorized to suspend or revoke theregistration of a vehicle or a certificate of title, registration card, orregistration plate, or any nonresident or other permit, in any of the followingevents:
(1) When the division of motor vehicles is satisfied that theregistration or that the certificate, card, plate, or permit was fraudulentlyor erroneously issued;
(2) When the division of motor vehicles determines that aregistered vehicle is mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved uponthe highways;
(3) When a registered vehicle has been dismantled or wrecked;
(4) When the division of motor vehicles determines that therequired fee has not been paid and the fee is not paid upon reasonable noticeand demand;
(5) When a registration plate or permit is knowinglydisplayed upon a vehicle other than the one for which issued;
(6) When the division of motor vehicles determines that theowner has committed any offense under chapters 3 9 of this titleinvolving the registration or the certificate, card, plate, or permit to besuspended or revoked; or
(7) When the division of motor vehicles is so authorizedunder any other provision of law.
(8) Upon receipt or notice the carrier and/or operator of acommercial motor vehicle has violated or is not in compliance with 49 CFR386.72 or 49 CFR 390.5 et seq. of the motor carrier safety regulation orchapter 23 of this title.
(b) Upon removal of cause for which the registration orcertificate of title was revoked, denied or suspended, the division of motorvehicles shall require the registrant or applicant to pay a restoration fee oftwo hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00).