§ 31-9-5 Alteration of identificationnumber. (a) No person shall with fraudulent intent remove, deface, destroy, or alterthe manufacturer's serial or engine number or any other distinguishing numberor identification mark of a motor vehicle or any of its parts nor shall anyperson place or stamp any serial, engine, or other number or mark upon a motorvehicle or any part, except one assigned to it by the division of motorvehicles. Any violation of this provision is a felony.
(2) The fact that a person removed, defaced, destroyed, oraltered the manufacturer's serial or engine number or any other distinguishingnumber or identification mark of a motor vehicle or part, or that a personplaced or stamped on a motor vehicle part any serial, engine, or other numberor mark different from that originally assigned by the manufacturer to it,without first obtaining a permit from the division of motor vehicles, shall beprima facie evidence of that person's fraudulent intent.
(b) This section shall not prohibit the restoration by anowner of an original serial, engine, or other number or mark when thatrestoration is made under a permit issued by the division of motor vehicles,nor prevent any manufacturer from placing in the ordinary course of businessnumbers or marks upon motor vehicles or their parts.