§ 32-1-15 Local permission to use stateparks. Any person, firm, or corporation requesting use of a state park for concerts,shows, exhibitions, or other similar gatherings shall first obtain the writtenpermission to use the park from the licensing authority of the town or citywhere said park is located. The department of environmental management shallnot permit the use of a park without the written permission required by thissection, provided, however, that any person, firm, or corporation who is deniedwritten permission to use the park from the licensing authority of the town orcity where the park is located shall have the right to an immediate appeal tothe department of environmental management for a hearing on the propriety ofthe denial of that written permission. The hearing shall be de novo and writtennotice of the appeal shall be given to the licensing authority of the city ortown involved at the same time the written notice of appeal is given to thedepartment of environmental management. The Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of title 42, shall apply to all appeals.