§ 32-1-5.1 John L. Curran state park Prohibition of development. John L. Curran state park, comprised of two hundred sixty three (263) acres,more or less, located within the city of Cranston, shall not at any time becommercially developed or in any way modified from its current undevelopedstate; nor shall the land be used for any purpose other than passive outdoorrecreation; nor shall the land be sold, leased, or otherwise conveyed ortransferred except that short term leasing of one year or less may be allowedprovided such lease does not allow or at any time result in the development ofthe land or in any way alter the land's current undeveloped state. The landshall be designated "open space" within the meaning of § 45-36-1. Forpurposes of this section, "passive outdoor recreation" shall mean the use ofland for natural areas, nature trails, forests, wetlands and marsh landspreservation, wildlife habitat, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, picnicing,gardening, and scenic preservation.