§ 32-1-6 Warrants for violations withinparks. There shall be power vested in the director of environmental management, andall park police officers, sergeants, lieutenants, and captains commissioned inaccordance with the provisions of § 32-2-10 to issue and to signcomplaints for any persons apprehended within the limits of the propertiesunder the jurisdiction of the department of environmental management forviolation of the provisions of this chapter and chapter 2 of this title and ofthe rules and regulations promulgated by the director of the departmentrelative to wilful damage to or defacing of state park property, dumping onstate park property, refusal to clean up debris by persons responsible,violations of motor vehicle laws, hunting, trapping, and discharging firearmsin any state park, public meetings and parades without permit, and unlawfulinterference with police or lifeguards in the performance of their duties.