§ 32-2-8 Commissioners Apportionment of expenses. (a) The superior court shall, on the application of the director ofenvironmental management, and after notice to each of the cities and townshereinbefore designated, appoint three (3) commissioners who shall not beresidents of those cities and towns, who shall, after the notice and hearing,and in such manner as they shall deem just and equitable, determine theproportion in which each of those cities and towns shall annually pay moneyinto the treasury of the state for the term of five (5) years next followingthe year of the first issue of the scrip or certificates of indebtedness, tomeet the interest and sinking fund requirements for each of those years asestimated by the general treasurer of the state, and to meet the expenses ofpreservation and necessary care of the public reservations as estimated by thedirector of environmental management and certified by them to the generaltreasurer, and any deficiency in the amount previously paid in as found by thetreasurer, and shall return their award into the court; and when the awardshall have been accepted by the court, it shall be final and conclusiveadjudication of all matters herein referred to the commissioners and shall bebinding on all parties. Before the expiration of that term of five (5) years,and every five (5) years thereafter, three (3) commissioners who shall not beresidents of any of the cities or towns constituting the metropolitan parkdistrict shall again be appointed, with the same powers and duties for the nextsucceeding term of five (5) years; provided, that if the commissionersappointed during the first term of five (5) years, shall before the expirationof the term decide that the work of acquiring and improving land formetropolitan park purposes is not sufficiently advanced or that theimprovements contemplated by this chapter are not so distributed over thevarious portions of the metropolitan park district as to permit of a reasonableestimation of the relative benefits to be derived by the several cities andtowns, or if the works under way or in immediate contemplation are of suchcharacter that the benefits to be derived therefrom would speedily andmaterially alter the equity of an award made within that term, they may, withthe consent of the superior court, postpone the return of their award to thecourt for such further period not to exceed three (3) years, as they may deemnecessary in order to arrive at a more uniform and satisfactory basis ofassessment; and further provided, that no assessment shall be levied for thepurposes of this chapter in any one year upon any city or town in excess of asum equal to one-half (1/2) mill on the dollar of the valuation thereof.
(b) The superior court shall have jurisdiction in equity toenforce the provisions of this chapter and shall fix and determine thecompensation of all commissioners appointed by the court under the provisionshereof.