§ 32-3-3 Powers of agency in charge ofsystem. The board or committee that may be authorized pursuant to § 32-3-2 toexercise those powers stated therein may conduct its activities on land and inbuildings, adapted or adaptable for those purposes, owned by the city or town,with the consent of the committee or board in control of that property, or onland or in buildings that may hereafter be acquired for those purposes by gift,purchase, or lease; and may also in its discretion take charge of and use anyplace or places which any person or persons may offer the use of for purposesherein enumerated. The board or committee may employ a superintendent ofrecreation, teachers, and other officers and may fix their compensation. Theboard or committee may authorize the use of such property as may be under itscontrol for any other municipal purpose, or by any person, society, or otherorganization for such other public, recreational, social, or educationalpurposes as the board or committee may deem proper.