§ 32-6-5 Limitation on chapter. (a) Nothing in this chapter limits in any way any liability which, but for thischapter, otherwise exists:
(1) For the willful or malicious failure to guard or warnagainst a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity after discoveringthe user's peril; or
(2) For any injury suffered in any case where the owner ofland charges the person or persons who enter or go on the land for therecreational use thereof, except that in the case of land leased to the stateor a subdivision thereof, any consideration received by the owner for thatlease shall not be deemed a "charge" within the meaning of this section.
(b) When the coastal resources management council designatesa right-of-way as part of its designation process as specified in §46-23-6(5), or when the coastal resources management council stipulates publicaccess as a condition of granting a permit, the landowner automatically willhave "limited liability" as defined in this chapter, except as specificallyrecognized by or provided in this section.