§ 33-1-10 Surplus personalty notbequeathed. The surplus of any chattels or personal estate of a deceased person, notbequeathed, after the payment of his or her just debts, funeral charges, andexpenses of settling his or her estate, shall be distributed by order of theprobate court which shall grant administration in the manner following:
(1) The sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) from thesurplus and one-half (1/2) of the remainder to the widow or surviving husbandforever, if the intestate died without issue.
(2) One-half (1/2) of the surplus to the widow or survivinghusband forever, if the intestate died leaving issue.
(3) The residue shall be distributed among the heirs of theintestate in the same manner real estates descend and pass by this chapter, butwithout having any respect to the life estate and discretionary allowanceprovided by §§ 33-1-5 and 33-1-6.