§ 33-11-19 Payment of claims allowed orproved. (a) After the expiration of six (6) months and filing a statement of claimsdisallowed, if any there be, as provided in § 33-11-14, the personalrepresentative, shall proceed to pay the claims allowed or proved against theestate in the order of priority prescribed, after making provision for costsand expenses of administration, taxes, allowances, claims presented but pendingdetermination or appeal and claims not barred that may yet be presented.
(b) Claims thereafter presented and not disallowed, ordisallowed and afterwards proved, shall be payable only out of assets remainingin the hands of the personal representative.
(c) The personal representative may pay any just claim thathas not been barred at any time, with or without formal presentation, but ispersonally liable to any other claimant whose claim is allowed and who isinjured by its payment if: (1) payment was made within the claim period and thepersonal representative failed to require the payee to indemnify the estate forrefund of any of the payment necessary to pay other claimants; or (2) paymentwas made, due to negligence or willful fault of the personal representative, insuch manner as to deprive the injured claimant of priority.