§ 33-11-48 Action on disallowed claim. Civil action on claims disallowed prior to the expiration of six (6) monthsfrom first publication may be brought in the district or superior courtdepending upon the amount in controversy no later than thirty (30) days afterthe expiration of six (6) months from first publication, and such civil actionon claims disallowed after the expiration of six (6) months from firstpublication may be brought within thirty (30) days after notice is given to theclaimant that the claim is disallowed or within thirty (30) days after saiddisallowance is affirmed by the probate court, whichever is later, unless theestate has been represented as insolvent. If, subsequent to the expiration ofthe period in which such civil action may be brought, the personalrepresentative shall represent the estate as insolvent, a disallowed claim, onwhich suit is barred by the foregoing provision of this section, shall not beprovable before the probate court.