§ 33-14-1 Times when accounts required. Every executor and administrator, except as provided in § 33-17-3, shallmake out and return to the probate court, upon completion of the period ofadministration, and at such other times as shall be required by the court,pursuant to § 33-14-4, an account relative to the estate in his or herhands, with a statement of the liquidated balance that may be due to or fromhim or her. Provided, however, that no interim accounting shall be requiredunless requested by an interested party, and any interim accounting may beexcused by the probate court for good cause shown; and further provided,however, that every executor and administrator who is the sole beneficiary ofthe estate or who files a release from each beneficiary shall be permitted tofile, in lieu of a final account, an affidavit of completed administrationtogether with evidence that all Rhode Island estate and inheritance taxes forthe estate have been satisfied, that the funeral bill has been paid, and thatall claims filed against the estate have been satisfied.