§ 33-15-1 Legislative intent. The legislature finds that adjudicating a person totally incapacitated and inneed of a guardian deprives that person of all his or her civil and legalrights and that this deprivation may be unnecessary. The legislature furtherfinds that it is desirable to make available, the least restrictive form ofguardianship to assist persons who are only partially incapable of caring fortheir needs. Recognizing that every individual has unique needs and differingabilities, the legislature declares that it is the purpose of this act topromote the public welfare by establishing a system that permits incapacitatedpersons to participate as fully as possible in all decisions affecting them;that assists such persons in meeting the essential requirements for theirphysical health and safety, in protecting their rights, in managing theirfinancial resources, and developing or regaining their abilities to the maximumextent possible; and that accomplishes these objectives through providing, ineach case, the form of assistance that least interferes with the legal capacityof a person to act in his or her own behalf. This chapter shall be liberallyconstrued to accomplish this purpose.