§ 33-15-13 Recording of petition in landrecords Disability to contract. Where the petition for appointment of a limited guardian or guardian allegesthat the respondent lacks decision making ability regarding his or her realproperty, the petitioner shall cause a copy of the petition, with the order ofnotice thereon, to be recorded in the records of land evidence for the city ortown in which any real property of the respondent is located. If a limitedguardian or guardian is appointed with authority to administer the realproperty of the respondent, all contracts relative to, and sales andconveyances of, real property, made by the respondent after the record, and allother contracts, except for necessaries, and all gifts, sales, or transfers ofpersonal property, made by the respondent after the first publication of noticeof the petition and before the termination of the limited guardianship orguardianship, shall be void.