§ 33-15-2 Petition for appointment of alimited guardian or guardian. Any person may file with the probate court clerk, in the city or town where theproposed ward resides or where an out of state proposed ward has property, averified petition for the appointment of a guardian. The petition shall statethe following information known to the petitioner:
(1) The name, age, and post office address of the proposedward;
(2) That, based on a decision making assessment tool whichreflects the proposed ward's current level of decision making ability:
(i) The proposed ward needs a limited guardian to provideassistance with decision making in the areas of financial, health care,residential and/or relationship matters; or
(ii) The proposed ward needs a full guardian to provideassistance with decision making in all areas;
(3) The guardianship powers being requested;
(4) The steps which have been taken to utilize lessrestrictive alternatives to guardianship; and,
(5) The qualifications of the individual proposed to serve aslimited guardian or guardian.