§ 33-15-37 Support of dependents for whomward has no legal obligation to provide. Whenever a limited guardian or guardian or a conservator of the estate of anyperson is appointed by any court in this state and the person has, prior to theappointment of the limited guardian or guardian or conservator, provided forany other person out of his or her estate, whom the ward was not under legalobligations to support or provide for, and where it appears that the ward wouldhave continued support or provision if the limited guardian or guardian orconservator had not been appointed, the superior or probate court, uponcomplaint filed by the person who received the support or provision or by thelimited guardian or guardian or conservator, may authorize the limited guardianor guardian or conservator to continue to make allowances out of the estate ofthe ward, as the court in its sound discretion deems the ward would have madeif a limited guardian or guardian or conservator had not been appointed.Provided, however, that the court shall not exercise this power in cases wherethe ward has prior to the appointment of a limited guardian or guardian orconservator expressly declared or requested that these powers shall not beexercised by the court. In granting the authority, the court may imposeconditions or restrictions and, give such directions as it may deem advisable.