§ 33-15-4.1 Good Samaritan guardians. (a) Any person who files a petition for a guardianship of the person pursuantto the provisions of this chapter may also file to be qualified as a goodSamaritan guardian. A good Samaritan guardian may be appointed by the probatecourt in those instances where the court determines that the estate of aproposed ward is insufficient to pay for the services of a guardian and thatsuch an appointment would otherwise be in the best interests of the individualfor whom the guardianship is proposed.
(b) A person filing for appointment of a good Samaritanguardianship shall file all the forms required by this chapter to initiate aguardianship petition and shall file an additional form setting forth thequalifications of the proposed guardian to serve as a good Samaritan guardian.Such forms shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
(1) The experience, if applicable, of the proposed guardian;
(2) The willingness of the proposed guardian to serve as saidgood Samaritan guardian; and
(3) A statement that if appointed as a good Samaritanguardian, such person shall not seek any fees and/or monetary compensation fortheir services as a good Samaritan; provided, that this shall not be construedto prohibit the good Samaritan guardian from soliciting and/or utilizingcharitable donations for and on behalf of the individual under guardianship.
(c) The appointment of a good Samaritan guardian shall be inthe discretion of the probate court.
(d) Except as otherwise provided for herein, hearings on andnotice of the application for and appointment of a good Samaritan guardianshipshall proceed in the same manner as any other petition for guardianshippursuant to the provisions of this chapter.