§ 33-15-44 Conservator for incompetentperson Disability to contract. If a person, by reason of disability or upon his or her own election, is unableto properly care for his or her property, the probate court of the town inwhich he or she resides, upon his or her petition, or the petition of one ormore of his or her relatives or friends, may appoint a conservator of his orher property. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall appoint a timeand place for a hearing, and shall cause at least fourteen (14) days' notice ofthe hearing to be given to the person for whom a conservator is to be appointedif he or she is not the petitioner. If, at the hearing, it appears that theperson is incapable of properly caring for his or her property, a conservatorshall be appointed, who shall have the charge and management of the property ofthe person subject to the direction of the court. No person convicted of afelony offense involving a charge of forgery, embezzlement, obtaining moneyunder false pretenses, bribery, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud,burglary, breaking and entering, or any other offense involving fraud or theftshall be qualified for appointment as a conservator. The conservator may bedischarged by the probate court upon the application of the ward, or otherwise,when it appears that the conservatorship is no longer necessary. After thefiling of the petition, the person shall be under the same disability tocontract as a person for whom an application for guardianship has been made isunder by virtue of the provisions of § 33-15-13.