§ 33-15-6 Who may be appointed limitedguardian or guardian. (a) The court shall not appoint as limited guardian or guardian any agency,public or private, or representative thereof, which financially benefits fromproviding housing, medical, or social services to the individual found to beincapacitated.
(b) Before appointing an individual or agency as limitedguardian or guardian, the court shall find that the individual or agency:
(1) Has no criminal background which bears on suitability toserve as guardian;
(2) Has the capacity to manage the financial resourcesinvolved;
(3) Has the ability to meet the unique needs of theindividual case; and
(4) Has the ability to meet the requirements of the law.
(c) Individuals or agencies eligible for consideration aslimited guardian or guardian include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Relatives or friends of the individual found to beincapacitated;
(2) Banks, trust companies and other financial institutions;
(3) Nonprofit corporations organized for charitable orreligious purposes (including those organized specifically to act as limitedguardian or guardian) and existing under the laws of this state.
(d) The court may appoint an out of state resident as limitedguardian or guardian if the court finds that the individual meets therequirements of this section.
(e) In appointing a guardian, the court shall consider thewishes expressed by the individual found to be incapacitated as to preferencesamong individuals eligible to serve as limited guardian or guardian who meetthe requirements of this section.