§ 33-16-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Administrator" means the administrator of veteransaffairs of the United States or his or her successor.
(2) "Benefits" means all money paid or payable by the UnitedStates through the veterans administration.
(3) "Conservator" shall mean any person acting as fiduciaryfor the estate of any "ward" who by reason of advanced age or mental weaknessis unable to properly care for his or her estate.
(4) "Estate" means income on hand and assets acquiredpartially or wholly with "income".
(5) "Guardian" shall mean any person acting as fiduciary forthe person and estate or person or estate of any "ward".
(ii) "Guardian" shall include conservators.
(6) "Income" means money received from the veteransadministration and revenue or profit from any property wholly or partiallyacquired therewith.
(7) "Person" means an individual, a partnership, acorporation or an association.
(8) "Veterans administration" means the veteransadministration, its predecessors or successors.
(9) "Ward" means a beneficiary of the veterans administration.