§ 33-16-26 Commitment to federal agencyfor medical treatment. Whenever, in any proceeding under the laws of this state for the commitment ofa person alleged to be of unsound mind or otherwise in need of confinement in ahospital or other institution for his or her proper care, it is determinedafter adjudication of the status of the person as may be required by law thatcommitment to a hospital for mental disease or other institution is necessaryfor safekeeping or treatment and it appears that the person is eligible forcare or treatment by the veterans administration or other agency of the UnitedStates government, the court, upon receipt of a certificate from the veteransadministration or other agency showing that facilities are available and thatthe person is eligible for care or treatment therein, may commit the person tothe veterans administration or other agency. The person whose commitment issought shall be personally served with notice of the pending commitmentproceeding in the manner as provided by the law of this state; and nothing inthis chapter shall affect his or her right to appear and be heard in theproceedings.