§ 33-16-27 Powers of federal agencies overpersons committed Retention of jurisdiction by court. Upon commitment, a person, when admitted to any facility operated by anyfederal agency within or outside of this state, shall be subject to the rulesand regulations of the veterans administration or other agency. The chiefofficer of any facility of the veterans administration or institution operatedby any other agency of the United States to which the person is committed shallwith respect to that person be vested with the same powers as superintendentsof state hospitals for mental diseases within this state with respect toretention of custody, transfer, parole or discharge. Jurisdiction is retainedin the committing or other appropriate court of this state at any time toinquire into the mental condition of the person so committed, and to determinethe necessity for continuance of his or her restraint, and all commitmentspursuant to this chapter are so conditioned.